2024 Gaming in Spain Conference to be Held in Madrid in May

Trending 9 months ago

This year’s version of nan celebrated arena 2024 Gaming successful Spain Conference will beryllium held successful Madrid connected 6 May 2024. The flagship happening is expected to pull a wide excavation of manufacture stakeholders and gaming enthusiasts to coming nan latest trends and developments successful nan lucrative Spanish market.

Stream of Flagship Events

Even more, this year’s convention is scheduled to return spot conscionable earlier nan opening of nan starring land-based gaming arena successful Spain, FIJMA24, group to footwear disconnected connected 7 May successful Madrid. Indeed, it seems that nan watercourse of flagship events successful 2 consecutive days will make nan Spanish superior a preferred gaming destination for worldwide visitors counting days to nan opening of nan show.

Free Introductory Webinar

2024_gaming_in_spain_conferenceAs an preamble to nan topics to beryllium discussed in nan 2024 Gaming successful Spain Conference, a free webinar “Regulatory & marketplace update” will beryllium held on Wednesday, April 3 at 15:00 CET to bring nan latest news from nan Spanish market. Also, nan convention schedule has been released to denote a wide scope of topics to beryllium covered by salient speakers and attendees from nan industry. Therefore nan schedule will see regulatory updates and compliance guidelines, deposit limits and different issues faced by nan industry, arsenic good arsenic an overview of Spanish iGaming marketplace performance successful position of grip and revenues, responsible gaming considerations, and more.

Technical Sessions

The Conference will besides characteristic technical sessions for licensed Spanish operators to reside topics specified as online and land-based gaming deposits, compliance training and management, best operating practices, and more. These workshops are disposable for each registered visitors, pinch nan registration procedure for nan 2024 Gaming successful Spain Conference now open.

Gaming successful Spain Webinar

As indicated, nan webinar ‘’Regulatory & marketplace update’’ is scheduled for April 3 to coming nan Conference agenda to nan wide assemblage and thief gaming stakeholders to bespeak immoderate suggestions to their operating practice. The webinar will talk regulatory framework successful nan state and nan cross-operator deposit limits imposing regularisation to marketplace participants.

Handling Market Challenges

The convention scheduled for 6 May 2024 will further talk these topics and nan wide Spanish iGaming market, arsenic good arsenic propose ways to grip marketplace challenges. Both nan Gaming successful Spain webinar and Conference will supply an update connected regulatory measures from nan industry’s perspective, arsenic good arsenic to reside compliance challenges faced by nan Spanish iGaming stakeholders.

Although nan licensed Spanish operators person reported a continued profitability of operations, reflected successful nan DGOJ-released gross figures, nan Gaming successful Spain webinar and convention correspond an opportunity for Spanish operators to get an in-depth penetration into nan existent marketplace condition.

Source: “2024 Gaming successful Spain Conference”. European Gaming. March 22, 2024.

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