Hacksaw Gaming Enters West Virginia in Partnership with BetMGM

Trending 4 months ago

hacksaw_gaming_to_debut_in_west_virginiaHacksaw Gaming, nan up-and-coming world supplier of games for online casinos, has announced that it has further expanded its scope successful nan United States pursuing a business pinch BetMGM successful West Virginia.

The supplier underlined that it had a long-standing narration pinch BetMGM, 1 of nan astir powerful operators of online casinos and sports betting websites successful nan United States. In fact, nan 2 companies besides worked together successful Ontario, erstwhile Hacksaw Gaming’s contented became disposable connected BetMGM’s website successful May 2023.

The successful debut of nan supplier’s games successful West Virginia, besides successful business pinch BetMGM, takes nan company’s beingness successful nan United States to a full caller level and rather accelerated considering that its first foray successful North America was past twelvemonth successful Ontario. Moreover, nan supplier announced that it plans to grow into New Jersey successful nan coming months, besides successful business pinch BetMGM.

The usability presently has 1 of nan apical 3 sportsbooks successful nan authorities of West Virginia, and its online casino app received a portfolio boost erstwhile nan contented from Hacksaw Gaming sewage added to it. The first batch of games that were included successful nan offering pursuing nan signing of nan statement contained very celebrated titles specified arsenic Bombs and Outlaws Inc., pinch much games being added since and moreover much to travel successful nan adjacent future.

Fast Worldwide Expansion

Hacksaw Gaming was founded astatine nan extremity of 2018 successful Malta and since past it has expanded not only successful North America but each complete nan world. The main attraction of nan supplier has been to create slot games for mobile devices, but nan company’s casino games tin supply plentifulness of thrills connected desktop computers arsenic well.

Speaking of its description successful North America, successful November 2023 Hacksaw Gaming announced it secured a provisional licence successful New Jersey, allowing nan institution to connection its contented portfolio to licensed online casino operators successful nan state. That will let nan supplier to motorboat successful this authorities pinch BetMGM.

However, Hacksaw Gaming besides has a business successful spot pinch Light & Wonder, nan world gaming giant, to support nan roll-out of its contented successful North America. The 2 companies signed an statement for this intent backmost successful 2021, erstwhile Light & Wonder was still operating nether nan aged brand, Scientific Games.

The supplier has besides announced respective caller partnerships successful different parts of nan world recently, including a woody pinch Caesars Digital successful Ontario astatine nan extremity of 2023 and a business pinch Soft2Bet to participate nan Romanian market, on pinch an statement pinch Betsson to grow its beingness successful nan Croatian market.

Source: “Hacksaw Gaming Advances to West Virginia pinch BetMGM Partnership“. Hacksaw Gaming. March 22, 2024.

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