Light & Wonder Brings Content From 1X2 Network in the United States

Trending 5 months ago

light_and_wonder_to_debute_1x2_gaming_in_michigan_2Light & Wonder, 1 of nan world’s astir important suppliers of package and contented for online casinos, has announced it reached an statement pinch 1X2 Network, a supplier of online casino games, to administer its contented successful nan United States.

The first authorities to witnesser nan aggregation of contented from 1X2 Network into nan Light & Wonder level is going to beryllium Michigan, but nan adjacent early could spot nan woody grow to much American states.

The aggregation level developed by Light & Wonder is 1 of nan astir powerful iGaming distribution devices successful nan United States and nan world gaming elephantine has signed respective agreements pinch crippled studios to administer their content. In October 2023 Light & Wonder announced nan launch of unrecorded casino contented from Authentic Gaming, a institution which it had acquired successful 2021, successful nan authorities of Michigan.

Light & Wonder, antecedently known arsenic Scientific Games, is 1 of nan astir powerful cross-platform gaming companies. The conglomerate has 3 complementary businesses and a squad which comprises complete 6,000 people.

1X2 Network offers a wide scope of online casino gaming content, including slot games, virtual sports games, instant triumph titles and clang games. The institution has 4 abstracted studios: 1X2gaming, Iron Dog Studio, Prospect Gaming and Ad Lunam. The institution already had a business pinch Light & Wonder successful Europe and now nan collaboration has expanded to North America.

Exciting Partnership

Speaking astir nan collaboration pinch Light & Wonder, Kevin Reid, nan Chief Executive Officer of 1X2 Network, declared himself “excited” to person specified an aggregation partner and said that this represents an hold of an already “fruitful relationship.”

The 1X2 Network Chief Executive Officer besides mentioned that Michigan is conscionable nan commencement of nan 2 companies’ collaboration successful nan United States, saying that “work is already good underway successful different states.”

Steve Mayes, Digital Partnerships Director astatine Light & Wonder, described 1X2 Network arsenic a supplier pinch a history of complete 20 years of “producing slick, innovative contented that is very celebrated pinch players.” The Light & Wonder executive added that he was assured that players successful nan United States would beryllium “every spot arsenic receptive” to nan supplier’s gaming contented “as players person been successful nan European markets.”

Source: “Light & Wonder to Premiere 1X2 Network Content successful U.S. Through Exclusive Aggregation Deal“. Light & Wonder. February 2, 2024.

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